The Struggles and Triumphs of a Great Mom

Sinon family
Sinon family

Motherhood is the oldest, greatest and most fulfilling role in the world. Who could challenge the multitasking mom? She watches the baby, turns on the washing machine, cooks a meal and counsels a friend on her phone. Wow! She really does it all at the same time splendidly. Someone has said that ‘If God wants to do a great work, He gets hold of a man; but, if God wants someone to do an exceptional job, He gets hold of a woman.’

Let us remember that the deliverance of Israel from the slavery of Pharaoh began with Jochebed, the mother of Moses. The miraculous preservation of the Jews in Persia was done by Queen Esther. The faith of Ruth to follow her mother-in-law Naomi into the Promised Land had led her to be become the great grandmother of David. Foremost of all, Mary through her trust and obedience became the mother of Jesus in the flesh.

Every Christian mom desires to be great in the sight of her God, husband and children. Greatness is neither measured by one’s success in the corporate world nor in his substantial provision for his family. In Proverbs 31, the godly mother is described as trustworthy, kind, wise and praiseworthy. [see v.11 and 20] And foremost of all, she fears the Lord. [v.28] Simply said, a great woman is a godly woman. The late 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln said, “No child is lonely if he has a godly mother.” She is priceless. Therefore, her children call her blessed.

Although, mothers like us do strive to be one, we still do feel unappreciated on our sacrifices made for our children. Our children feel that it is just our obligation unto them. We may fail to fit in their expectations in a lot of ways. This is the reason why they perceive our parenting style as quite unacceptable at the present. But, what matters most is that we are doing it according to God’s word. Sooner or later, they will realize that we are doing it right so that we should not grow weary.

I remember a preacher who described the different impressions of the children about their moms in the different stages of their lives. At age 4, a child says ‘My mom knows and can do anything.’ At age 12, he says ‘My mom doesn’t know anything.’ At age 18, he says ‘My mom is out of fashion and barely knows anything.’ At age 25, he says ‘My mom knows only a few things.’ At age 35, he says, ‘Before we decide, let us get our mom’s opinion first.’ At age 45, he says, ‘I wonder what mom will say about this?’. And, at age 65, he says, “I wish I could talk to mom just one more time.’ Indeed, let us persevere and continue to strive to be the mom after God’s own heart.

Do remember mothers that when we are at our worst moments, our God is at work to make us a great mom. This can only happen if you believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is the Savior and Lord sincerely. He is the Only One who can help us in our imperfections. Since we want our kids to be raised in a godly home, let us be sure that Christ is at home in our hearts. Who we are in Christ is more important to our children than anything else as their mothers.