A Daddy Day Note

A dad and a child at a beach coast. Photo by Pixabay
A dad and a child at a beach coast. Photo by Pixabay

About 15 years ago, I was requested by our church in Manila to do a testimony as part of the Father’s Day program. I asked them why me. They just told me to share on how God has taught me to become a good father. I asked my wife, “Am I really a good father?” She replied, “That’s ok…should be fine, they’re not asking you to talk about being a good husband anyways, right?”

Back then, I got not much to share for I’ve only had a pre-school daughter. So, it was pretty easy for me.

Almost 2 decades have passed since then. Now I have a son—and things have become fairly different. I can’t say it’s easy anymore. Someone has said, “Madaling maging ama, pero mahirap magpaka-ama.” Yes, It can be easy for anyone to become a father but it takes a different level of commitment to become a real Dad. He should be the head of the family. Being the head, he covers all the important aspects and foundation every family should have. This includes finances, security, morals, principles and beliefs.

God instituted the family as seen in the Bible, in the book of Genesis. Therefore, there is no other perfect role model of a father other than our Heavenly Father. He showed us how to become one by knowing who He is and what He does.

He Provides

And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
(Phil. 4:19)

This is not just about finances but basically, everything that we need. And, this is just basic. A father has to provide for his family. I am a child of an OFW or Overseas Filipino Worker. My Dad sacrificed a lot just to bring me and my siblings to a good school, provide food on our table and stay in a decent apartment. When I arrived in Singapore for the first time to work abroad, I immediately called my Dad and tearfully thanked him for I now fully understand how difficult it is to be away from your family. Imagine, he worked overseas for more than 26 years, while I was already homesick within my first hour when I called him that night.

A family depends primarily to the father. We do whatever it takes to provide for their needs.


God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble. Therefore we will not fear (Ps. 46:1-3)

A child will always have a boost of confidence and will always feel secure when they know that their dad is around. While mothers provide comfort, fathers protect. How I wish I were a child again. Kids got no problem! We may not physically see God, but with faith, we know that we are secured. In the same way, our kids know that they are safe when their Dad is around. I remember when my son did not show any signs of fear when I told him to jump into the pool knowing that I was there to catch him. Now, he’s a better swimmer than me.

Dad’s presence is the family’s refuge and source of courage and strength.

He guides

…God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. (Heb. 12:10-11)

Guidance requires discipline. Discipline develops values. Values forms a character.

Each person has their own way on how to discipline their children. For some, a rod works and for some, just a simple “look me in the eye” approach. It’s very critical for a parent, particularly for fathers, on how to discipline their children. It can be painful at times. We can even choose their “weapon”, from broom to hanger to slippers or just even the raw hand.

It’s now our turn to apply this to our kids. We need to emphasize why we discipline, and they should realize that it’s all because of our love for them.


A loving father… a Daddy… will make a great impact for kids as they grow old. Everything begins at home. Make time, or should I say, spend more precious time with them while there is still an opportunity.

I’m staring at my kids right now. Soon they will have their own family, their own life. I’m not gonna give up doing everything for them. I’m praying not just for them to have a brighter future, but to live a life with a character that is molded by God Himself, our Daddy.